Josey Sewell, RDH

Co-Founder of joyFULL People

Josey Sewell, RDH, is a trailblazer in the dental industry, known for her dynamic leadership and transformative contributions. She is a powerful pioneer for hygienists and women in dentistry, advocating for inclusivity and compassion. Josey is the creator of the Dental Operating System, a business operating system designed to help practices and groups scale through vivid vision, meaningful values, and scalable systems.

With a background in operations and leadership, Josey is an expert in helping teams overcome their toughest challenges. Transitioning from clinician to executive leader, she has held nearly every seat on the executive team, including Chief Operating Officer of a rapid-growth, multi-location dental group. Josey has facilitated over 300 full-day coaching sessions with executive teams across the country.

As one of the industry's most sought-after coaches, Josey builds positive relationships with her clients and delivers tangible results, improving both personal life quality and company performance. Attendees of Josey's presentations praise her relatability and the practical value of her content, leaving her sessions feeling hopeful, confident, and prepared to achieve their goals.

Catch My Session:


August 22 | 3pm-4pm

Humanizing the Numbers: Making Metrics Less Intimidating

Session Overview:

Getting teams excited about using data and metrics can be intimidating. They falsely believe that a practice that focuses on data is "production driven" or "all about the money"; in this course you will be given the playbook that has worked for hundreds of practices and will help you humanize the numbers, connect the data to patient care and learn how to empower and elevate your team using data.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn to connect data to patient care and help your team understand the business of dentistry. 
  • Discover the process to connect practice goals to the employee's goals and empower performance through metrics. 
  • Create a career development pathway for dental team members that improves patient care and improves performance metrics.