Wendy Briggs, RDH

President & Co-Founder of The Team Training Institute

Wendy Briggs, RDH is a practicing hygienist, strategic advisor, speaker, trainer, consultant, coach, product developer, and author. She is the President and Founder of HygieneDiamonds as well as the President and Co-Founder of The Team Training Institute.

A key turning point in her career occurred when she was practicing chair side and a consultant came into the office and suggested shortening her appointments to 30 minutes. She was being asked to cut corners, which she was unwilling to do.

With a husband in school and babies at home, she made the difficult decision to leave the practice and began studying outlier practices — practices that were performing far above average and delivering exceptional care to patients. She quickly became a force of nature in dental hygiene. Practices travel from around the country to learn from her.

Catch My Session:


August 23 | 1pm-2pm

Maximizing Production Per Visit by Optimizing Hygiene

Session Overview:

Dental Intelligence’s Practice Profitability Formula identifies 2 ways that practices can grow production. One is to increase patient visits and the other, our focus for this course, is to increase production per visit. At The Team Training Institute, we don’t view production as the end goal, but we use it as a measurement of the care that we are able to provide patients. Providing world-class patient care begins with hygiene. We’ll discuss techniques for increasing preventive services, without disrupting your schedule, for the benefit of your patients and your practice. The national average for hygiene production per day is between $800-$1000 while practices that we work with regularly have hygiene production days between $2000 - $3,000.

Key Takeaways

  • Benchmark current hygiene production per day and set goals for improvement
  • Identify health risks that impact treatment planning and require preventive intervention
  • Implement a new approach to caries in your practice
  • Offer patients a better option than “watching” areas of concern
  • Increase treatment acceptance by providing services same-day